Wednesday, October 19, 2016

2016 Give Thanks, Give Hope, Give Back 1000X


WHAT:1,000 Thanksgiving Food Basket for Chicago Southside Families in need
HOW: First come first served by pre-registration only
WHEN: November 19th, 2016
WHERE: Distribution at the Boys and Girls Club of Morgan Park
ADDRESS: 1425 W 112th Chicago IL 60643

TO PRE-REGISTERIf you or someone you know is in need, and would like to participate in this event, you can pre-register via email to or text to: 224-325-4075 by November 17th.

Please include the following information:

1.  Family Representative - First & Last Name
2.  Address
3.  Phone #
4.  Email
5.  Number of immediate family members
6.  Referred by (friend name, family member name, social media page, etc.)

Glen Lerner Gives Back (working alongside 20+ Chicago Southside Organizations) will be hosting a community outreach event on November 19th from 9 am to 4 pm.  This event can be described as a community fair meets progressive thanksgiving basket giveaway. 

Community organizations represented will be setting up a booth to promote their services. They will also provide an ingredient for each family's Thanksgiving Basket. Our goal is to reach 1,000 families with a message of gratitude, hope and generosity. This outreach event will make it possible for 8 to 10,000 individuals to enjoy a full Thanksgiving dinner around a table with their loved ones.

Targeted communities (# of families):
Ashburn (25), Avalon Park (25), Beverly (15), Blue Island (75), Calumet Park (30), Calumet Heights(25), Chatham (50), Chicago Lawn (75), Englewood (100), Evergreen Park (15), Hometown (15), Marionette Park(15), Morgan Park (100), Mt. Greenwood (15), Riverdale (15), Robbins (120), South Chicago (50), South Deering (15), South Shore (50), Washington Heights(25), West Pullman (120), Woodlawn (25)


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Attorney Tom Grace Assists The Danka Basketball League in Maywood IL.

Tom Grace of Glen Lerner Injury Attorneys assists the coaching staff of the Danka Basketball League in Maywood, Illinois. The players in the league range from 8 to 12 years of old. Tom teaches the fundamentals of basketball, which he believes is a crucial step that is often neglected in coaching. 

Mr. Grace has coached competitive youth basketball in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, Houston, Austin and now in Chicago. It is his passion for coaching, along with our Firm's commitment to local community involvement, that provides a unique opportunity for youth outreach. 

Tom Grace is an accomplished litigation attorney with more than 20 years of experience in all areas of litigation including business torts, commercial litigation, intellectual property and personal injury.  He is based in our firm's office in the Southwest side of Chicago at 701 South 5th Avenue, Maywood, IL 60153 and is licensed to practice law in Illinois, Nevada and Texas.  

Friday, October 7, 2016

Acompáñanos al Primer Festival de Halloween de Maywood!

Presentado porEl Distrito de Parques de Maywood

Una alternativa sana para el Halloween!

Laberinto de Heno, 
Chocolate caliente, 
Sidra de manzana caliente, 
Dulces como premios, 
Paseo de heno, 
Montadas de caballos, 